Dear Diary,
I'm in a really good mood today. Actually, i've been in a pretty good mood for a while. My health hasn't been the best for the past few days, but my spirits were still high. This is kind of different for me. Looking back, I realize that there were times when I actually seemed to look for reasons to be down. It's amazing what you realize once you move on.
Life really is what you make of it. I want to have a happy, positive life so I guess I have to be those things. I'm so determined now. When I start feeling sorry for myself or getting down on life, I go back to the vow I made to me. I vowed that I would be optimistic and make the best out of life and that is what i'm going to do.
I read between the lines of something someone said in an email and realized that they thought my energy was a little on the negative side sometimes. My feelings were a little hurt at first but instead of letting it take me over like I once did, I sat back and owned it. I've never really been the type of person who was able to smile on the outside when my inside was doing the opposite. It was hard.
My emotions have been firmly planted on my sleeve. If i'm going through something it shows, even when I try to hide it. It got so bad at one point that I felt like the best thing for me to do was shut down and stay to myself. It wasn't fair for me to let my moods affect others.
That was then and this is now. I've learned that talking helps. I can't hold stuff in. I'm good now. I'm so much happier. To be honest I didn't realize I was seeking misery. Misery may be a strong word, but I did seem to prefer to play it extremely safe and worry about everything from a to z. I'm done with that. It's time for walking on faith. Whatever will be will be.
Beautifully put, "Whatever will be will be!" Let the Church say, AMEN! Love you and talking is always best and most comforting when it's someone you trust and who truly has your best interst at heart.
PS. On another note, have you registered your book with the Library of Congress yet? (It's great to protect your work and also to be able to google yourself - smile)
Love for a great day!
Butterfly - I'm still trying to decide on a title. I had one in mind the entire time I was writing and soured on it while I was editing. I'll definitely register when I decide on the title. Thanks for looking out.
Yes, whatever will be will be...
Sometimes it is hard to accept, but I am getting better at accepting what life dishes out to me.
This is my first time hear, I love your blog, I'll be back soon.
Solomon - I hope to see you around more.
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