Dear Diary,
I'm finding it a little hard to be positive lately. There are so many things I want out of life and there are times that I feel like i'll never reach the goals that i've set for myself. I'm feeling a bit stuck. In my heart of hearts I feel that i'm being tested and prepared for something bigger. I'm just having trouble being patient.
It's not easy to think positive when situations make you feel like you'll never get over the hump. I have faith, but I think it's being tested. I don't want to fail the test, and I know that I am worthy of the outcome. I'm just growing a little weary of the back and forth and up and down of it all. It seems like things will never move at a steady pace.
I've noticed that i'm really beginning to let my job get me down. I don't like it and it's bringing my spirit down. I want to leave, but i'm not sure that would be the best decision right now. It's also not easy to give up 13 years of seniority and start over. Does it mean I don't have faith that God will not move me from bad to worst, or am I just cautious?
Walking on faith is not an easy thing to do. I wish I could say I was there, but I know I am not. I'm a work in progress and I pray every day and ask for the strength to keep it moving when there are times when I want to collapse, both mentally and spiritually.
The thing is, I can feel something moving inside me. I feel it all around me. Whenever I try to be the pessimist i've always been, something tells me things are going to work themselves out like they never have. I just need to be still and learn how to listen, and feel without thinking so much. I don't worry about things as much as I once did, but I still have improvements to make. There was a time when I never allowed myself to have a positive outlook so I know I have made strides. Situations that would have brought me down in the past are not having any affect.
I know he's working on me. Each day I pray for forgiveness for allowing my negative outlook to block my blessings. I notice things moving as I shed that habit. My life is better. I'm not where I want to be yet, but I know for sure I will get there.
LOVE the picture!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister, we are in this thing together, the 3rd paragraph is me, word for word. I'm praying for us both to be used or moved!
YOU are not alone and in this world of unhappiness and hatred and anger, WE HAVE A LOT TO BE THANKFUL FOR!
We have our health, bills paid, food to eat,shelter, friends, family and blogging (smile)
KEEP THE FAITH, HIS reward is on the way!
Love, peace and blessings!
Butterfly - I know that I am blessed and I thank God for my blessings each and every day. It just gets a little rough sometimes. I do feel that something good is in the works for me and I know that i'm going to appreciate it when it comes.
Hey sis. This is in response to your first paragraph. I was emailed this earlier in the week so I had to retrieve it from my email trash bin.
Hope it lifts you a little.
SLCBeloved, you are in the flow of destiny, and I am bringing you along the time line of purpose. Even though you catch a glimpse of course changes that await, you must stay mentally and emotionally in the present. Be steadfast and faithful by maintaining spiritual focus. Timing is everything, and it would be a mistake to try to force any issue to obtain the goal. Wait patiently for My leading and trust that I indeed go before you to clear the path and make a way, says the Lord.
Isaiah 43:2-3 I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the LORD, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel.Love you sis,
Sister, i feel so much of what you are feeling. I feel that at mosttimes we are in the same place, but i know that FAITH is consistent, and lacks fear. It is the one thing that God commands of us, and the one thing that we often find most difficult to do. I also know that to have true FAITH is so rewarding, and i KNOW that God delivers, because my sister, he delivered me.
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