Dear Diary,
I just got to work and i'm in a really good mood. It's Friday, i'm going out with friends when I get off, and my husband and I leave visit friends for a few days when he gets off work tomorrow. All that is great but it's only part of the reason i'm in such a good mood.
I just finished the second round of editing my novel. I bring it with me to work every day and edit on the bus and whenever I have a chance at work. As I was finishing the last few pages I smiled to myself because I realized that I am really proud of what I have written. I love it!
There are so many gifts God could have given me. I am so glad that he chose to make me a writer. How blessed am I? Some people never realize what their gifts are and some never find out what it is that they love to do. I know what my passion is. It's obvious to me that I was put here to put paper to pen.
I haven't always been comfortable with sharing the things I write with others. I was nervous and did not have confidence in my abilities. Things take time. I have done so much growing in the past few years that I have thrown the fear out the window and learned that i'm an awesome writer. I read my book and impressed myself. I love the way I put the whole idea together.
I've definitely grown because i've invited others into my editing process. I'll be having my first book club meeting at the end of the month. I chose a few people whose opinions I trust to read together and give me the feedback I need to make sure that my novel is all that it can be. I'm not nervous about that at all. I'm excited and hope that they love what I have written as much as I do.
There's a light at the end of the tunnel. My book will be published when I come out on the other side. It is claimed and will be done! I will be a published author. Believe it!
Passion! Great to have. Not a passing fancy but a true, deep desire for something.
This is personally inspiring so thanks much.
Have a great weekend.
SLC - It's nice to know that something I wrote inspired you. Your words do that for me all the time. Enjoy your weekend.
You are so lucky to have found your passion, the one thing that truely makes you happy.
Congratulations on your book being published, that is soooo exciting, I bet you can't wait.
You help me more than you'll ever know, because as SLC said: "This is personally inspiring, thanks so much."
Have a great weekend.
I'm so very happy for you. Hope you don't mind if I claim the 3rd paragraph, it has mine name all over it!
Love, peace and much success!
I'm sitting on the sofa, watching Lifetime and editing mine too (smile)
If I had a choice to be something else, I wouldn't trade in my pen for anything!
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