Monday, March 30, 2009

Dear Diary 43

Dear Diary,

I'm really trying to keep my temper in check, but it's so hard. It seems like the harder you try, the more people want to test you. I know what kind of temper I have, and i've really been trying not to let it loose. It's so hard sometimes because people can really push you.

I guess i'm a can be considered a quiet person. I don't warm up to people easily. I'm more inclined to sit back in the cut and see what vibes I feel. I believe in first impressions and i'm hardly ever wrong. My initial reaction to people is usually spot on. My intuition hasn't failed me yet.

I think i'm quiet because I have a very low tolerance for bull crap. I just can't take it. I've been trying to let things go and move on and, for the most part is has worked. Of course, there are those times when my alter ego, I call her Harlem, comes out and sets it off. Sometimes it just has to be done. A lot of folks take kindness for weakness and Harlem has to let them know the deal. She hasn't been out in a while, but between my job and a few people who have really been irking me lately, she may have to make an appearance.

Like I always say, i'm a work in progress. I've made some strides, but i'm far from where I want to be. I have to admit, it's great to have less visits from Harlem. She use to be a constant part of my day. Blogging also helps me to get out some of the things that are bothering me. I always get such good feedback and advice from some of my blog friends. It really helps.

I guess I just needed to vent. Some things happened today that tried to force Harlem out. I was proud of myself. I kept her under wraps. Sometimes when people know how to push your buttons, they lay on them until they get a result. I refused to let that happen today. I'm proud of myself.

Until tomorrow....


A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

I'm proud of you. I keep trying to think of a name for my coworkers who push the button. I'm Sgt when I'm serious, China when I'm creating something and Free Spirit all the other times... but like you said, "some people" want to get U G L Y .

My coworker is Tom but when he's pissed, he calls himself ED Anger.

I'm thinking about calling myself Crazy Ann. That's my moma on most days (smile)

When you said, work in progress it reminded me of your Haiku. Did you get a chance to check it out on my poetry blog?

PS. I'm proud of you too!

Strongblkwmn said...

I didn't see my haiku on your poetry blog. I'm going to go and check it out now. I was born and raised in Harlem and when I get upset it comes out of me. LOL!

Strongblkwmn said...

Just read the haiku. Thank you. You made me smile.


Hey there,

I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I was doing some drive-bys in the blogosphere this afternoon and thought I'd park at your spot for a minute!

Feel free to drop by my spot any time for deep conversation.

Peace, blessings and godliness,