Dear Diary,
Stress! What a word. That thing can kill you. I was talking to someone special yesterday and became really sad because life has really gotten this person down. They're feeling overwhelmed. It's a shame how that can happen. One minute you feel like you're on top of the world and the next thing you know you feel like the world is on top of you.
I have definitely been in that position. I once let a job stress me out so badly that I became physically sick. I had to take so many trips back and forth to the doctor that it was getting on my nerves. We finally sat down and had a long talk and realized that the problem was stress. Once I realized what was going on, and left that job, I felt much better.
It hurt to see someone I love going through so many emotions and stresses. They're just starting their adult life and student loans, a career they thought they would love but don't, trying to be independent, and just the daily rigamarole that life can put you through are all bringing them down. It's taking their emotional stability for a ride. All I could do was listen and offer whatever advice I thought would help. My main advice was, "pray on it."
Prayer has definitely helped me navigate some situations I thought I would not make it through. It's not easy, but it helps. I've learned to take time to give thanks, even when things aren't going the way I would like. I know that, all things considered, my life could be a lot worse. I'm thankful for the rough times because they help me to appreciate the good.
Until tomorrow....
Hey sis. You've got great timing.
You gave the best advice possible.
SLC is so very right. You said the best possible thing, "Pray on it." And what I loved most is that they trusted in you to share their story. We carry so much on our shoulders and in our hearts and how can we handle it all? We can't talking to loved ones helps a great deal and I'm a firm believer in the more prayers put out into the Universe, the more your spirit will be uplifted. In an instant, your circumstances can change. That's why I love blogging, we are "ALL" praying for one another.
Love, peace and blessings for a great day!
I saw on the news that it snowed in NYC on the first day of Spring. I was laughing thinking about GOD and his many unexpected surprises....
The person I was talking about got sick and has been out of work all week. When your body, and mind are on overload they will shut down on you. I told them it was the Lord's way of giving them a break.
SLC - It was the first thing that came to mind. It's what I do.
Butterfly - It snowed like crazy and when it was done there was not one indication that a drop ever fell.
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