Dear Diary,
So, i'm back to work. It feels like I never left. One of these days will be my last here and I will be happy about it. I'm claiming a new career for myself. What i'm doing now is not the move. I'm not complaining; I just need something new and much more fulfilling. I want to make a difference.
Making my living as a writer would be the best thing that could happen to me. That would be my difference. A good book can get a person through a lot. I still remember reading, "Are you there God, it's me Margaret," when I was young. I remember the feeling it gave me. I remember writing short stories and giving them to my sisters and a couple friends and they would go on and on telling me how much they liked or related to them. It was a great feeling.
My book is done, but I haven't finished editing. I had no idea how much of a process it would be. I'm still thinking of hiring someone to check the grammar. I've always been one to pay more attention to the words than the punctuation. My friend says i'm old school because I don't sit in front of the computer when I write. I'm a pen and notebook girl. I write first and type later.
One of my blog friends,
A Free Spirit Butterflyhad a haiku contest. I entered right before the deadline and tied with someone else for the win. I was really happy. I've entered a few short story contests and i've only won one. It's a great feeling to have anything i've written acknowledged. I thank Free Spirit Butterfly for her acknowledgment.
I'm going to keep pushing. I don't know what will become of my writing career but, God willing, it will be all that is should be. If my books bring a smile to just ones person's face or makes someone think, i'll be extremely happy.
Tammy, you're but has already brought a smile to one person's face; "yours." The rest of us will surely enjoy it because we love you. I like that you put it to paper first. I never thought of that until I saw the Criminal turned Chef on Oprah. He was arrested for drug dealing and wrote a novel in jail and saved the manuscript. That inspired me to start writing on paper. It was incredible just to see him holding a manuscript. I only wrote in my journals and diaries. Once I got a laptop is when I discovered my true passion for writing. So treausre those manuscripts and don't forget your poor mans' copywrite for protection.
Your book will be successful because GOD has plans for you. You and I are both waiting on him to move us from our current positions at work and to assist us in becoming published authors. In the meantime, we stand still until he does. HIS will not ours.
Love, peace and blessings!
Tammy, I am cracking up.... I am at work trying to sneak a comment in and eating at the same time. Forgive me, I meant your book; not your but (toooooooo funnnny)
Butterfly - I was wondering what that first sentence meant until I read your other comment. LOL! It's going to be so great when our books are published and we can say that's my blog friend! I know God has plans for us both. I can feel it.
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