So, I watched the vice presidential debate last night and found myself constantly yelling at the television. Joe Biden was a true gentleman. Usually that would have been a good thing, but I wanted him to tear Sarah Palin a new one. It's what she needs. Ever since her disgustingly disrespectful speech at the RNC I have wanted her to get what she deserved.
Last night was the first time I would have liked to see Hillary Clinton in Biden's spot. She would have chewed Palin up and spit out her bones.
I got sick of seeing this face:

There's nothing worse than someone who is not qualified trying to act like they know what they're talking about. It's like when you start a new job and you lied on your resume. The boss comes to you with work you know you can't do, but since you lied you have to try and figure it out.
Palin looked like she was trying to figure it out during the entire debate. Her cheat sheets weren't even helping her. At one point it seemed like she was reading from a telepromter. The moderator would ask her about the economy and she would go into a long spiel about energy and how great the wonderful maverick John McCain is. It was mind blowing.
If you don't know, you don't know. There is no amount of studying or preparation that would have made this woman qualified enough to stand next to Joe Biden, much less debate him. I thought he was very nice to her and, to be honest, I wish he wasn't. If she had the nerve to stand there and try to flub her way through a debate in front of the nation, she should have been exposed for the uninformed, unprepared, candidate she is. She was thrown to the wolves and should have been eaten alive.
God save us all if Sarah Palin is the first female vice president. She'd make a better talk show host.
Until tomorrow....
My momma taught me two things. Don't keep up with the Jones and if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything... SO I'm just going to nod in agreement with you (Smile!) Hope your weekend was Spetacular!
I know what you mean. It's really hard for me believe this woman could be vice president. I pray every day that it doesn't happen.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well.
I agree with every word within this post. I sat and watched the debate and had to really wonder about American politics, in general. I wonder how many Sarah Palins are already in place and making crucial political decisions?
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