Dear Diary,
I had a rough day at work today. I wasn't in a great mood when I got up and as soon as I got to work I knew why. My feelings are never wrong. I can sense when something is not going to work out and I had a feeling I was in for some bull.
The good news is that I have learned not to let things get me down or take me out of my character. Yesterday I kept saying, "Nobody's going to steal my joy." I don't know where it came from. I guess I was putting the thought in my head to prepare myself for what was to come. When things started to bother me, I continued to say it in my head. I got through the day and i'm feeling good.

It feels great to know that I am making progress. My journey of self has been a wonderful experience. I see everything in a totally different light and I love it. I was cooking breakfast and ended up writing a post about eggs in a carton because all things are so much more than they seem now. I see people for who they are and not who I would like them to be. I've finally realized that I have to be honest about the things I know about people and not try to ignore. I must accept that they are who they are going to be.
I'm still a work in progress and always will be. Each day I thank God for opening my eyes in more ways than one. I am so thankful to be so blessed. Some people go through life and never really get to know themselves. I was actually on track to be that way. Things changed for the better when they were suppose to. I have learned from every experience i've had. It took me a while but now I know that the things we go through exist to shape us into the person we are suppose to be. I am thankful for it all and cannot wait to see what else is in store.
Until tomorrow....