Dear Diary,
I don't really like my job but i'm grateful to have it. I know there are people who would love to be in my shoes and I am definitely blessed, especially in these days and times. That is what I try to keep first and foremost in my head day after day. I thank God that my husband and I are able to pay our bills and keep a roof over our family's head and food on the table.
Things were going great for me for a while. I was given projects to do and left alone. I didn't really have a supervisor. It was great. I'll admit i'm the type of person who doesn't like to be told what to do. When I leave this job, I never want to work FOR anyone. I have to do me.
Imagine the horror when I was told that my department would be changed and I would be working with one of the most micro managing managers there is? Thoughts of quitting immediately filled my head but,of course, I can't leave my job right now. The two people who already work in the department don't know what it means to stand up for themselves and i'm known for constantly doing just that. In my old department I worked with someone who was right there with me. I'm all alone now.
It hurts my heart when our people have that slave mentality. It's almost like they're saying, "Yes'm" all the time. When you let people talk to you and treat you any kind of way because of their position, that is what you are doing. I've never been one to go there. You have to give respect in order to give it. There is no one that I will allow to come at me in a disrespectful manner and my new manager is very disrespectful and condescending. She seems to think that her title means she is above those she is managing. I'm really not having that.
I completed a week of working with this person and I think she has gotten the idea that she cannot push me around like she does her current staff. I will do everything within my power to let her know that I am not what she's use to. It's hard for me to watch women over the age of 40 being treated, and acting, like little girls, being told where to sit and when to move. That's just not me. I don't respond well to micro management. It's just not necessary.
I've been praying for patience and solution. I don't want to lose my temper. I guess it's going to be a battle of wills. Wish me luck.
Until tomorrow....
Hey sis your correct, it is a battle of wills. Fortunately your praying and I'm praying so in the end, the Lords will is going to reign.
What's more, who can say but that you have been elevated .....for just such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14)
You may be the catalyst God uses to change the atmosphere for all.
Prayin' with You and 4 You.
Hey, I thought I had it bad. As a matter of fact I still do. I can actually say that we're walking in the same shoes. I just need an assignment and a due date and then leave me the "hell alone" so that I can complete it. I'm praying that your spirit will out shine her "demons" and that in time, you will have unknowningly transform her to Glenda the good witch (smile)
The butterfly.
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