Dear Diary 23,
Here's a tidbit of information on the strong black woman front that i'm sure no one has heard about. My girl, Serena Williams, will travel to Kenya this week to open the Serena Williams Secondary School in Matooni. In my opinion this is huge news. Did anyone know about this?
If Serena had gotten arrested for drunk driving or hitting her assistant in the head with her cell phone it would be all over the news. The priorities of our tabloid society disgust me sometimes.
During her visit to Kenya, Serena will officially open a secondary school put up in her name, to give chance to needy primary school students who want to pursue secondary school education. The school will allow hundreds of primary school students in the location to pursue secondary school education. The area suffers from high school drop out rate and most students are orphans due to the high HIV/Aids prevalence rate in the area.
I give Serena so much respect for doing this. It's obvious that she is doing it from her heart and not looking for publicity. To those who much is given, much is expected. I'm proud of this young woman for giving back to those less fortunate than her. It's what we all should do.
I wasn't able to find much information on the school, but I wanted to give her props for her efforts to do something great. How wonderful is it to give the gift of education? Much respect to Serena for giving this gift to chilren of the motherland.
Until Tomorrow....
Congrats to Serena! Those who do "it" from the heart, never truly get the recognition from the public, but GOD knows it all. Thanks for sharing that positive and notworthy news with us.
Have a great week!
what a great post
and that is a wonderful thing shes doing for the kids in kenya
it's so easy to criticize but i think that she should open up one here too
i dont think it would hurt and it would be a lot less expensive
just a thought dont kill me lol
Serena is giving the right way.
But when you give to charity, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
So that your deeds of charity may be in secret; and your Father Who sees in secret will reward you openly.
Matthew 6:3-4
Thanks for sharing sis.
Sorry for the second reply but I wanted to share a little from Serena's website.
I was not satisfied there I wanted more. I love Africa as those are my roots, but I want to do more. I live in the United States of America and although my roots are in Africa there are tons of people here that do not have an opportunity to go to a good school either.
and from the last paragraph
I will be giving high school kids grants from all over the country. Aiding them and helping to send them to college and learn a trade or learn enough to start their own company.
She apparently has good balance on and off the court.
I'm so proud of Serena. Thanks for the extra info SLC.
Wow! I didn't know. I love Serena and Venus. I am glad she is doing such great things.
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