Dear Diary,
Beside every great man walks a great woman. Michelle Obama is definitely that. She's the personification of a strong black woman. You can see it in her face. It's displayed in the way she walks, talks, and stands by her man. This woman is the bomb.
That's how we do. We're there for the men we love. When Barack's grandmother became ill, Michelle said do what you have to do baby, I got your back. She hit the campaign trail strong black woman style in her husband's absence and held it down until he returned.
It touched me when Barack described Michelle as his best friend and the backbone of their family. That is what a wife should be. It's what I try to be. The relationship these two black people have is wonderful and I am so thankful that black love will be on display for the world to see. People need to know it exists.
There is no doubt in my mind that Michelle Obama will be a remarkable first lady. I was listening to the radio this morning and they were joking about how American fashion is about to change. Michelle is a simple, dignified woman who can make a dress from H & M look like couture. I love that about her. That's how we do.
I have many memories and favorite moments from last night, but my favorite was after the speech was done and the family members left stage. Our President elect walked toward the crowd to say one final goodbye. Waiting for him, letting him have his moment, was Michelle. She had a look of pride on her face as she watched her man command the stage and prepare to begin the journey of his presidency. When he was done he walked to his best friend and they held hands and walked off the stage together. It was beautiful.
Michelle Obama, strong black woman and first lady. That's what i'm talking about!
Until tomorrow (which seems a little brighter)....
You can see that their love is genuine and it's apparent that their family unit is solid. I love the fact that they kept reaching for one another's hand and making eye contact. You can tell that she's his rock and he smiles with such confidence that says to (me), "I know I'm blessed and I don't dare take any of it for granted but with GRACE."
Thanks for this post. I'm glad black can now make the presidency a goal and not just a dream, but through your post I realize that they also need to see a happily married, educated, successful, and most of all genuinely loving black couple. Now they can believe God can provide the same for them regardless of their upbringing.
Thanks sister Strong.
Hey there!! {waves}
I am driving through the blogosphere and checking out all of the interesting dialogue about this remarkable time in our nation's history.
America is redefining itself to the world and ALL of us can be part of the process of redefinition - by altering who we are and altering how we define "United States".
Please feel welcome to drop by my blog and share your reactions on my newest post! I'd love to hear more opinions!
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
It feels soooo good to have a first lady that is chocolate just like me. I look forward to following her legacy.
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