Dear Diary,
I feel like i've been floating on a cloud since my granddaughter was born. I love her so much. She's the most beautiful baby i've ever seen. Her eyes are really intense. In the words of my grandma Margaret I think she's, "Been here before." When you talk to her she looks into your eyes. I almost feel crazy talking baby talk to her because she seems like such an old soul.
My granddaughter's birth has brought me closer to God. I've been praying more than ever and feeling so thankful that I cannot keep it to myself. The happiness I feel about being a grandmother is spilling over into other parts of my life. My job doesn't even bother me as much. When being there gets on my nerves or my managers come up with some dumb request or new asinine rule, I look at her picture, pinch her cheeks, smile, and move on. It works every time.
There's no way I could look at my granddaughter and not know that God is good. He sent us such a precious blessing. I haven't smiled this much in a long time. Seeing my son with his daughter is a beautiful thing. He's so gentle with her. He loves her so much that he can't contain it. I have no doubt that he will be a wonderful father. His daughter's eyes already light up when she sees him.
I'm very happy to know that my son appreciates the gift he has been given. Being a parent is a huge responsibility. I will do all that I can to help him prepare for the years ahead. His father and I know how it is to be a young parent. It's not easy at all. You need a good support system. We will make sure that he has that. My granddaughter is going to have a good life. She will be surrounded by so much love and her parents will have so much support that there will be no choice.
Life is good.
Until tomorrow....
Dear Strong Black Woman,
Congratulations on the birth of your first grandchild! And, thank you for stopping by my grandson's blog, "The Booga Wooga".
I know exactly how you feel and your post really resonated with me. Everything you expressed in this post reminded me of how I felt when my grandson was born in 2006 and now I have a granddaughter too. She was born May 1, 2009 and she just turned 10 months old. We are excited about her taking those first steps sometime within the next 2 months.
My husband and I have tried to be as supportive as we can too. My daughter was actually living with us when my grandson was born so, when she got married and moved out, he was about 3+1/2 years old. Watching him leave our house with all of his "little things" was heartbreaking but we knew it was time for them to move on. Fortunately, they do not live far from us... about 5-7 minutes away by car.
We find it amazing that my grandson never forgot me and my husband. He just turned 4 years old in January and whenever he comes over our house, he knows every inch of it like the "back of his hand" and I can tell that he still feels very much at home here. We love and enjoy our granddaughter too but, believe it or not, I am happy that we won't have to go through the gut-wrenching process of "letting go" with her like we had to do with our grandson.
I really love maintaining my grandson's blog. The posts aren't as frequent as they used to be when he was living with us but I'm bound and determined to post news about him (and his sister now) whenever I can. It is a labor of love that truly enjoy. Feel free to visit at anytime (smile)!
Take care and don't be a stranger...
Thank you for stopping by my blog (smile)!
Lady (Bug) - Thank you so much for your comments. I'm looking forward to all the joy that being a grandparent is going to bring, like anticipating my granddaughter's first steps. It's such a special time.
I think it's so wonderful that you maintain your grandson's blog.
I remember when you first spoke of becoming a grandmother on a past blog, and look what has finally arrived.....
Love in the form of a granddaughter. I can tell by the emotions in your words that you are elated, as elated as the parents themselves @ I look at her picture, pinch her cheeks, smile, and move on. It works every time.
Enjoy, I know you will.
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