Dear Diary,
Things with my book are really moving along. I'll be having another book club meeting this month and i'm really looking forward to it. The people I chose to be a part of my journey are really serious about helping me achieve my goal. That means a lot to me.
The cousin of one of the book club members actually knows someone in publishing. She has already told her about me and given me her contact information. I was extremely touched by this. This is not someone I have a lot of contact with. She's just a woman who wants me to succeed. I appreciate it more than I can tell her.
I'm very lucky to have people in my life who genuinely want me to succeed. They don't only want me to succeed because they love and care for me, they actually believe in my talent. That feels great.
I am so glad that I finally decided to share my gift with the world. Blogging was a huge step for me, and something that I have wanted to do for a long time. I don't have the most popular blogs, but I am thankful for the people who take the time to read my thoughts and leave a comment now and then. I have also made some good blog friends whose support I deeply appreciate.
Never once have I taken for granted how blessed I am to know what my gift is. I've just been a little hesitant to share it. Those days are definitely over. I'm proud of myself. I wrote a book! Each day I feel better about what I have done.
I pray that I will have my book on the shelvesby the end of the year. It felt wonderful when I wrote the last word. Imagine how it's going to feel when I see it in print.
Until tomorrow....
Congratulations on getting the book puvlished. On the shelves by the end of the year, that sounds great, it gives you a litle time to reflect.
I know it sounds weird coming from someone you've never met, but I'm Proud of you too. We have that (sometimes we can be extraverts but we're really introverts thing in commone) and I know how difficult it is/was to start your blog and finish your book. I walked those same steps. Through God's grace, here you are! Shine on Sister, Shine on!!!!!
Love ya
Solomon - Thank you. It's not published yet, but at least it's done and i'm moving forward.
Butterfly - It doesn't sound weird at all. I feel like we're old friends and we definitely have a lot in common. If I can shine as much as you do, i'll be just fine. Thanks for all of your encouragement.
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