Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dear Diary 72

Dear Diary,

I haven't blogged in so long and I don't know why. It's like every time I think about it I get sidetracked. It's beginning to bother me, like i'm neglecting my child or something. I have got to do better.

There's been a lot going on in my life lately, but at the same time nothing has really changed. There are still times when I feel that I am not doing enough with my life. I have a feeling i'll always feel that way because i'm my toughest critic. I really need to learn to stop being so hard on myself.

My book is coming along but I feel like a deer in headlights when it comes to the publishing game. It's so much work. I've read articles and books that are suppose to help me decide how to maneuver the whole thing, but all that's doing is causing more confusion. I've reached out to a few of the authors i've come in contact with, but so far they've only wanted to help up to a certain point. It's like a magician who doesn't want to reveal how the trick is done because he's scared it'll be done better.

Sometimes I feel like something is missing. I'm not quite sure what it is. When I start feeling like it's not all there, I think of my little Lia. She is the shining light of my life. All I have to do is picture her pretty little face in my head and I feel better. I love being a grandmother. It has changed me. She has changed me. It's wonderful. I love playing with her and taking care of her.

Lia is so awesome! She's a little person now. The baby is gone. It's so much fun to see her discovering, and doing, new things. We went to lunch Saturday and she sat at the table for the first time. Her eyes lit up and you could tell she felt like a big girl. It was so cute! I wish I could have that light in my eyes each day. Well, I guess I can't say that because it's there whenever she's around.

Until tomorrow....


Happy walker said...

blogwalking here and visiting.. have a view of my blog when free.. http://www.lonelyreload.blogspot.com .. do leave me some comment / guide if can.. if interested can follow my blog...

SLC said...

Hey sis.

I been very sporadic at blogging also. I definitely miss it an my blog family, but life has been busy.

Good to hear from you always.

See you on FB.


Strongblkwmn said...

Hey SLC! Life has definitely been busy. I miss blogging and definitely have to get back to business. Looking forward to sharing with you again.

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Hey there my beautiful New York sister!

I am going with Xlibris publishing. Check out the website and give them a call. I think self publishing is a great way for you to go.

I'm going to hit the send button after one more look over and then I'm going to get hundreds of copies and carry them in the trunk of my car like Michale Baisden did. Not sure of the spelling, but he started out small and the rest is History.

If you're like me, it's not about the money, it's about putting a peice of yourself and work out into the Universe. That affect will have a lasting impact on someone and make your second book ever more powerful.

GO FOT IT! I'm behing you 100%

Love from a fellow author!

Strongblkwmn said...

Thanks Butterfly! I've checked them out. I'm trying to narrow things down. Good luck and let me know when I can purchase my copy.

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Happy Saturday!

love you
miss you
praying for you

this is our year to "get it published."

what do you say? ;-)


A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Hey there future published author. I finally did it and it's available for the entire Universe to read or not (lol)

I actually have a prose poem in there titled Dear Diary.

here's the link and please, pass it along. the proceeds are going to two homeless shelters in DC.


Please, let me know which is your favorite poem and why after reading!

Thank you in advace for supporting me, my work and my next book. That's right, I'm publishing short stories next.

BELIEVE in your dreams. If you don't who will?

Love ya!

BTW - I'm in Amazon and Barnes and Noble on-line book stores. How cool is that?

You're next... keep me posted on your progess and please, call me if you have any questions.

Send me an e-mail and I'll give you my number.

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Good morning sweet friend. You are missed. I'd love to hear how you're doing.

Please e-mail me at aluv4poetry@yahoo.com and check in.

Trusting that the Lord will keep you in His perfect peace as only He can!

Love and prayers

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Hey Strong Black Woman,
Sending love,
Sending prayers...


A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Hey there precious child of the KING!
Sending love!
In Christ alone!

Free Spirit.